Buddy Programme

A new environment, a different style of learning, and making new friends can often feel scary and intimidating, but you do not have to feel alone. We are here for you! 

Through the ISO Buddy Programme, we ensure that new international students do not feel lost and alone at SIM by pairing you with student buddies who can guide and support you, even before you land in Singapore.

You will be matched with one of our friendly SIM Buddies based on nationality and common language(s) spoken. The programme then begins with a virtual Buddy Introduction session, where you and your buddy can start getting to know each other.

What to Expect

Here are some ways your buddy can help you settle in more quickly:
  • Show you how to navigate SIMConnect
  • Share with you their experiences with living and studying in Singapore
  • Meet & greet when you arrive (after all Safe Travel health controls are completed) and accompanying you to your accommodation
  • Show you around your neighbourhood and campus
  • Introduce you to the local public transport system
  • Guide you along as you begin your studies at SIM

Indicate your interest for the programme

What you need to know:
  • All full-time international students taking their first programme with SIM GE are automatically enrolled in this programme. We seek your cooperation and consent in providing us with more information to allow better matching of buddies for you by filling up the interest form above.
  • The cost of the Buddy Programme is included as part of the International Student Induction Fee (a one-time mandatory fee that has been included when applying for a programme at SIM)
  • After accepting your SIM offer, you should receive an introductory email from the International Student Office with the same form to indicate your interest for your buddy match-up. Please check your spam/junk box in case you have missed out on ISO emails.

Can We Help?


International Student Office (ISO)

ISO supports the onboarding of new full-time international students in SIM GE. We are here to help you make a smooth transition to Singapore through various recommendations and services.

Visit our pages or drop us an email at [email protected] to let us know what support you need.

Our working hours are Mondays to Fridays, from 8.30am to 5.30pm.

We’re looking for new buddies!

If you are a current student who has an interest in helping others and sharing your unique knowledge about living and studying in Singapore, we would love for you to join us as a buddy.

We want you if you are willing to:
  • Commit for a minimum of 6 months
  • Meet up with your buddy and accompany them around SIM and Singapore

To sign up as a buddy or get more information, fill in this form and we’ll be in touch soon.