International Students Onboarding

We understand that everyone’s higher education adventure begins differently and moving to a new country can be exciting but challenging. SIM’s International Student Office (ISO) team is ready to provide support for a smoother transition to living and studying in Singapore.

Your Onboarding Guide

Essential information to help you prepare for your journey and adjust to life at SIM.

Life in Singapore

Singapore is a sunny, tropical island-city of many races and religions, widely regarded as one of the safest countries in the world with well-connected public transport systems and a wide variety of things to see, do, eat, and explore.

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Pre-departure Checklist

Ensure that you are well-prepared for a smooth transition to Singapore and the start of classes in SIM.

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Visa Information

A Student's Pass (STP) issued by the Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) is required for all full-time international students studying in Singapore. SIM GE can provide assistance with your STP application process.

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We have shortlisted accommodation options near campus to help kickstart your search for a place to live, whether you are joining SIM from overseas, or leaving home for the first time.

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Buddy Programme

Make a new friend and get help familiarising yourself with the ins and outs of student life in Singapore.

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Welcome Reception

Meet the ISO team and fellow international students on your first day on campus. Explore the campus with us and find out more about living in Singapore during a sharing session with the Singapore Global Network.

Can We Help?


International Student Office (ISO)

ISO supports the onboarding of new full-time international students in SIM GE. We are here to help you make a smooth transition to Singapore through various recommendations and services.

Visit our pages or drop us an email at [email protected] to let us know what support you need.

Our working hours are Mondays to Fridays, from 8.30am to 5.30pm.