Awarded by University of London, UK and Developed by the Member Institution, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK.
Strong foundation in economics, politics
The world is flat and we’re all backyard neighbours, whether we’re in Beijing or Brooklyn or Bedok. When economic growth was climbing in China, property prices in Singapore went up. When the US presidential election is around the corner, criticisms on China surge. When Britain left the European Union, decision efficiency in the EU improved in leaps and bounds.
This programme builds on core economic theories and important concepts of modern political thought. It develops your intellectual capacity to understand the world in political and economic terms. Emphasis is on microeconomics, macroeconomics, understanding the state of democracy, and the democratic process. You will learn the rigorous process of conducting economic analysis at micro, macro and international level. In addition, you will be exposed to the debates in comparative politics and their social-economic impact.