SIM Global Education Receives S$120,000 Donation for Student Development from Philanthropist Mrs Wong-Mah Jia Lan

To double the impact of Mrs Wong’s contribution, SIM has committed to match a dollar-for-dollar donation. At a gift receiving ceremony held on 2 May, Mrs Wong shared that she was glad to have the opportunity to extend her philanthropy efforts to SIM, fulfilling her lifelong wish to help as many students as possible in Singapore. Impressed by the range of student support activities offered and the interactions she had with student volunteers, Mrs Wong further indicated her desire to pledge a yearly donation of S$24,000 to SIM in her lifetime.
The funds received will be disbursed over a period of 10 years to provide financial assistance to underprivileged students with academic merit, as well as special needs support and wellness programmes for students, including counselling. Life skills and resilience programmes will also be established to help them develop the skills they need to succeed in today's rapidly changing world. SIM has been providing financial assistance to underprivileged students since 2009. Over the past two years, a total of S$1.1 million has been disbursed to eligible applicants, providing them with a chance to receive the best possible education.